I failed Frankie. I thought he needed a quieter home, but I was wrong. He needed patience. He needed love. He needed understanding.

And now as I contemplate these photos that I took during a foster period with this little guy, I see moments that underline and give texture to a life that was on the edge of survival. They offer insight and thoughts about time itself. And that’s the thing about time – it leaves our physical world in the dust. We can’t get it back. This week Frankie should have celebrated his very first Gotcha day. But he didn’t. He was euthanised by the people he trusted. Because in one split second, he made a bad decision, and he got into a dog fight.

Use your eyes and heart to see in these frames… his death, his suffering, and how he was misunderstood. But see mostly the whole being of Frankie, which constituted his daily life – his curious, soft, beautiful, joyful, energetic and goofy nature .

I believe that photography is not really about cameras. It’s about sharing. We choose to frame a moment that we’d like to hold onto for now, and for all time, to share with ourselves and others. It’s much more interesting to imagine why we share than why we frame. I feel that within this process of sharing, there’s an essential discussion within ourselves, about who we are as a person. About the world we live in, and about the world we’d like to live in. That’s why I’m finally back here on the Wet Nose Page, sharing again. I’m collaborating with a tribe of beautiful beings who know kindness , love and support for one another.

We’re having conversations that matter.

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